I'm really pleased with my latest foray into glass-making.
Having made 50 (paper) books last year I had a crazy idea of making a glass book.
One of my favourites of the 50 books was the one with Shakespeare quotes
so I was keen to recreate this, especially now I know how to adhere words to glass.
My lovely daughter had bought me a full day session for Christmas and birthday
so I was ready to play!
It took a bit of discussing with Jane - the lovely glass-making expert -
and I just had a very strong image of what it would look like.
This is how they started off, one 'page' for each quote and one for the 'front cover'.
Then into the kiln -
And here's what they looked like cooked, ready for the words.
With words adhered, out of my oven.
And close ups of the pages in the finished article, joined together with wire and beads.

Although I had anticipated the pages standing upright like this
I decided it looked too regimented, and much prefer the way it has ended up, casually lying back, supporting each other, as you can see the words much better like this!
So happy with the finished results and huge thanks to Jane https://www.glasshousefusion.co.uk/
#attheglasshouse for all her help! :)
Thank you bing xiao, for your lovely comment. I won't be adding many more posts to this blog as it was mainly for a one-off project that was completed last year. All my creative stuff now goes on the other blog creative living http://bowerl.blogspot.co.uk/ which hopefully you have already seen. :)